Friday, August 10, 2007

U.N. votes to expand Iraq role

The Bush administration and UN officials are trying hard to establish peace in Iraq. I feel that this is always important, but for some reason peace has to be established after a war. I do not see why war has to lead to peace. The other thing that bothers me, is now that there is peace talk, the people who have the most say in the matter are outside forces. If peace talk started before war, the agendas of many outside officials would not be satisfactory. The new development of Iran's influence in the war is leading to threats from the US,

"President Bush on Thursday said Iranians who smuggled bombs to insurgents in Iraq would face "consequences" if they continued."

What kind of consequences? Is he threatening war?

Development from the west imposed on other countries can be compared to McDonald's. America goes into a country to develop it and because Americans are so drivin by fast results, in the end we see results, but they are not good quality outcomes for the people in the country such as Iraq. We fail to see the production process, and the people who benefit are the consumers in the west, not the people who are living in a McDonald's built world. A world that was built in a year, rather than 100. How is westernization different from imperialization?

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