Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Chavez seeks support from Russia trip

Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, is really being proactive in his fight for the people. His socialist activities may be frowned upon by the western world, but South America and other developing countries are beginning to trust this type of development rather than what we see in the west;

"While at home Mr Chavez has concentrated on building a socialist republic, when it comes to international relations his main objective has been to push for a multi-polar world."

I really like his whole approach when it comes to building alliances with other countries, he is addressing countries that are being marginalized by the west. I wonder if Latin America will one day represent something like the European Union.

The United states feels very threatened by Hugo Chavez, they attempt to demonize him and his country:

"Washington sees Mr Chavez as the main source of instability in Latin America, a role previously assigned to Fidel Castro's Cuba."

As far as the relationship that Russia and Venezuela are building has to do with a fight agianst neo-libralism:

"Russia, like Venezuela, believes in a multi-polar world and is seeking ways to curtail the influence of the US."

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