Friday, August 3, 2007

China's Healing Power,9171,1649133,00.html

It seems as though in an attempt to protect China's own economic well-being they have helped the Sudanese government to accept UN support in Darfur.

"China is Sudan's largest trading partner, buying 65% of its oil. Until now Beijing has protected Khartoum from the Western world, which was crying genocide and demanding intervention and sanctions. Now China has helped persuade Sudan to accept a new United Nations-led peacekeeping force of 26,000 military personnel and police, subsuming the 7,000 African Union peacekeepers who have failed to have any significant impact on the conflict."

There is a number of things that led to this transition of support, recently nine Chinese oil workers were killed, another reason may be that China wants to be like the other "big boys" and follow the developed countries lead, the last reason is China wants the 2008 Olympic games to go smoothly in Beijing. I think this is interesting because none of these reasons have to do with the well-being of humanity. What does it take to get people to care about other humans? It seems that it there has to be some sort of gain individually or economically for one community to care for another.

1 comment:

Lydia Cheung said...

Unfortunately, that's true. It seems like whatever China has been doing lately has to do with giving itself a better representation and reputation in the 2008 Olympics- its chance to show the world that it's a world power, and that it's a modernized and developed country.