Monday, August 13, 2007

Chavez signs Ecuador oil accord

Hugo Chavez is looked is an outcast in the United States eyes. He believes in socialism, therefore he is a threat. Ecuador and Venezuela have a wealth of oil, that for years has been exported by US companies. For a country like Ecuador, they don't contain the cappabilities to refine their oil, therefore they depended on the US. Hugo Chavez is offering aid in order to create refineries in ecuador. The indegenous people and the mestizos alike agree that this is a good plan. Kicking American oil companies out of ecuador and venezuela would be a huge step for these countries of south America. The question on everyones mind is, will this agreement lead to a socialist ecuador? I personally don't see chavez as a political influence on ecuador, I see his visit rather as a statement toward forigen oil companies who have exploited these resources for too long. Helping another south american country gain independence from the exploitation of capitalism.

1 comment:

eyaru said...

There is a huge movement of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador that are making trade deals with Iraq for development. I think that this movement away from the US touches on what we were talking about in class with starting a revolution to bring down the control of western capitalist expansion, because it is allowing other countries to step up. The fight for oil is huge and it is necessary for South America to detach from US manipulation and control that leads to human rights violoations and cycles of poverty.